Thursday, March 15, 2007

#19 (Week 8) Take a Look at LibraryThing

Day 1203

Willy made his library at LibraryThing:
All of his titles are 0 star, . . . of course.

The limit to the service is 200 titles before you have to pay. Ha! Years ago Willy created a database of his books (in Paradox later imported into Access). He had so many he lost track of what he had bought and would end up buying the same title over again. He used the database to make a printout he could look at when in the store so he did not waste money buying duplicates. He also had so many books squirreled all over the house that he had a hard time finding what he was looking for. He created location codes for each room and shelf so he could find the book he was looking for!

This is definately a tool for collaboration. For personal use, a spreadsheet works fine and is cheaper if you have more than 200 titles.

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