Thursday, March 1, 2007

#14 (Week 6). Explore Technorati and learn about tags

Day 1216

Willy visited Technorati and "claimed" (registered) his blog. He was so excited, he was already ranked at: 2,710,648. Don't tell Willy but that puts him at dead last.

His tags are: 1265days, sjlibrary2.0, willy makit. He tried a search on the tag 1265days and found out that there is nothing in the known universe tagged 1265days. How deflating--from hope to dispair in one easy click. Oh, well, it probably takes awhile for the tags to be indexed. . . he says hopefully. If you want to help Willy out, click on the "Add this Blog to my Technorati Favorites" link located somewhere on the left edge.

What Willy learned about tags . . .
Spelling is everyting

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